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Back Pain

Your spine has 24 moveable bones, known as vertebrae, and 8 fused bones making up the sacrum and coccyx. When these bones are in the correct position, you should not feel any pain. Pain is the final way of your body telling you something is amiss.

Unfortunately, most modern-day lifestyles will have a negative impact on posture, which leads to spinal pressure. This will ultimately result in pain, most commonly felt in the lower back. Book your chiropractic spinal health check. 

Anatomical vertebreal column, soft focus on pelvis

Pre & Post Natal

Pregnancy is a beautiful but demanding time for a woman’s body. Emily has trained in effective chiropractic care in pregnancy and has the equipment to ensure a comfortable session.

Labour and birth can be physically traumatic for both mother and baby especially if there has been medical intervention such as forceps or ventouse to ensure a safe delivery. 

Newborn treatment includes checking the cranial structure is developing (after the journey through the birth canal) and an examination to ensure baby is comfortable after birth. 


Neck pain &

Your head is quite heavy, usually weighing around 5kg! Quite a weight for your neck to support. Your cervical lordosis (neck curve) should resemble a backward “C” which allows for good range of motion, flexion and extension. If the curve is lost, the neck can resemble a straight line or even start to curve in the opposite direction, leading to pressure on the surrounding ligaments and muscles. This prolonged pressure will result in pain and discomfort and is also commonly found as the cause of some headaches - either tension (muscles) or cervicogenic (joints).

Woman holding her head in her hand looking wistfully into distance

Arthritic Joint Pain

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disorder that affects cartilage. Cartilage is what makes your joints move smoothly and without pain or clicking, so as you can imagine, a change in your cartilage can affect your joints negatively. Chiropractic can help maintain the movement of your joints and help reduce pain from arthritis by helping your body cope with the changes inside your joints.

Emily White MChiro practising on patient in the lower back area. Chrio Swindon

Aches & Pains

We can treat many more conditions and complaints including extremity problems such as frozen shoulder and tennis elbow, as well as any other general aches and pains caused by everyday life! Chiropractic care can also help in the prevention of migraine headache.


I just wanted to say a big thank you for all your help with my back, neck and shoulders. I'm finding that my mobility has greatly increased since our first session and each week becomes easier. I wouldn't hesitate for one moment in recommending your services and I always look forward to seeing you"


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